This is the most important time to get it right as a hiring manager. Hiring the wrong person can cost you and your company a lot of time, money and effort to correct. Not to mention the effect it can cause on the team’s morale, constantly having a ‘new person’ to replace the last ‘new person’.

What can you do to get the most out of an interview to ensure you select the best candidate? Just as important as choosing the right candidate, think about how you will give them the WOW factor that allows them to choose you as their next employer. Chances are, if you are interviewing a rock star candidate, someone else is too!


No one enjoys a lengthy interview process. Design an efficient process that keeps moving and isn’t too long between each stage. Assess how many interviews are required to make a final decision. Plan ahead with budget approval/ salary range, who needs to meet the ‘new hire’ or give the final sign off, testing and anything that can cause the process to breakdown. A well-planned process will keep things moving steadily!

2. ASSESS the application

Set aside time to read through the applicants resume in detail. Let’s remember that this person could be your future employee or possible succession plan, so get to know them as much as you can before they come in. Even if a third party has shortlisted for you. Reading someone’s resume in detail will help you select the right questions to ask and your interview will flow well.

3. PREPARE the interview agenda

A good meeting needs an agenda to cover all points. A good introduction, company background, main content/ information gathering and allowing time for questions or an open conversation at the end. Outlining the agenda at the beginning of the meeting can allow both parties partake in a comfortable discussion.


Two heads are better than one, right?  A second opinion is a valuable resource when you are close to choosing the right candidate. The second interviewer should be someone connected to role. For example, another manager, a stakeholder, HR, a senior person in the team etc. This person should be someone that is honest and can be trusted to make good decisions.

5. LEADING the interview

For a well-structured interview flow with more than one interviewer, a plan of who will lead is very important.  Decide on who will lead and take control of asking questions and who will cover other parts such as introductions to company background. 

6. Book EXTRA TIME in your diary

Interviews should not be rushed.  If you think that an interview will last an hour, then book 1.5 hrs in your diary to cover sudden delays or if the interview is overrun. Remember, you are investing time now to save time down the track!


Candidates should prepare research on your company; however, it is important to give an applicant a better insight on what your company has to offer. Some areas to cover should include an overview of the history and key industry achievements. Company benefits, team culture, plans for growth, career opportunities, core values and any community/industry involvement. Add a personal touch as this could really outline your company’s WOW factor.

8. OPEN ENDED questions

A good interview should promote conversation and allow the candidate to explain things in detail. Questions starting with words such as What, When, Where, How, Who, Which, Why, Tell me, Explain etc are all examples of how you can ask open ended questions. Apply this to your next interview and see the difference!

9. END of Interview

It is good to remind an applicant about the next stage in the process. If you are confident that they have performed well and have a good chance, tell them. Also, be open about any concern you might have. Let them know that either way, you will assess the information gathered today and get in touch regarding the next stage.

10. BOOK an interview room

You can’t run an interview without some space to sit down! There is nothing worse than having someone turn up for an interview and trying to find available space. Plan and book an interview room with enough space for all attendees and maybe some water on hand just in case. 

Good Luck

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