With many factors that result in a successful career, we looked at some of the fundamentals to get you started.

So, ask yourself what tips can I implement today?

   1. Have a MENTOR

Let’s be honest - We all need them! Not only to inspire us but to keep us in line with our careers goals.

 Some of the most successful people in business have mentors. Sir Richard Branson had Sir Freddie Laker, Mark      Zuckerberg had Steve Jobs and I guarantee that if you ask any elite athlete, they can name theirs.

A good mentor is someone that you admire for their career achievements. They can provide honest and impartial advice without judgement of your ideas. They could be a current or previous employer, an executive in your professional network or even a family friend.

So, my question to you is, who’s yours? And if you don’t have one, who could be?

   2. RESEARCH - Stay ahead of the game and your competition

Who will stand out in a team meeting? Someone who is simply a ‘meeting passenger’, passively going through the meeting motions or ‘you’, proactively prepared and ready to contribute to the discussion?

Preparation arms you with insights to use at your disposal in meetings, presentations, workshops, discussions and ensures you’re not just there for the ride.

Stand out and be recognised as a leader!

   3. CREATE and run your own project

In most interviews, you will be asked to share examples of your career achievements. Nothing stands out more than the ability to implement and deliver a project.

No matter how big or small (e.g. new system, strategic plan, business development idea), this shows leadership, initiative, drive, commercial acumen and accountability.

All are key attributes for landing that dream job and owning your success.

   4. Add VALUE

Your success is measured by your merits!

The modern workplace is more dynamic and simply turning up and doing a good job no longer cuts the mustard. Contributing in ways outside of what you are hired to do, helps you to shine and show that your value is worth more than its weight in gold.

Hold a lunch and learn session, volunteer for projects, build relationships with new stakeholders.

   5. Being SEEN is to be KNOWN

Sometimes you need you bang your own drum and toot your own horn!

If you can’t be seen, how will people know who you are and what you are achieving? This can be in the form of leading the next team meeting, presenting at an industry event or even as simple as sharing industry articles with your peers.

   6. What’s your professional LEGACY?

What is your professional legacy? Think about what people will say about you when you are not around. What do you want to be known for? What made you stand out? What did you do so well that it will be hard to replace?

It’s important for us to leave a mark in our career. How do you want to be remembered?

   7. Stay in TOUCH

Chances are, your previous employer is a referee for a tonne of ex-employees. So, when your new employer asks them the most common question - “would you work with or hire this person again?” you will need to be remembered.

Keep in touch with the people that have hired you, it’s a small world and you never know when you might need them to recommend you.

   8. Keep LEARNING.

Be great today and better tomorrow!  Top performers stay ahead by keeping an attitude of life-long learning. Stay up to date within industry certifications, legislation changes and skills training. Find out how or where you can join a networking group, access industry articles or attend a workshop or seminar.

Industry intel will make a difference in your career.

   9. Ask for HELP

Asking for help is a great opportunity learn as well as lean on your network. There is a feel-good factor in helping others and so most successful people are happy to share their expertise.

          When he was 12 years old Steve Jobs needed spare parts for a project, so he called Bill Hewlett (Co-Founder of Hewlett             Packard). Hewlett gave him the parts AND a job in the summer.

It’s important to know the right time to ask for help. Have you researched and attempted to solve the problem yourself?  Have you identified the areas of difficulty? Is the person you are asking the right person?

   10. Set GOALS

You are much more likely to achieve your goals by writing them down. A vision will enable you to seek direction and progress you to the next level of your career.

Write down your goal and set a date. Work out how you will achieve your goal by breaking down each step and get 

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